Basic Motion
Linear motion
Method name: goForward / goBackward
Calling method:
CommandListener motionListener = new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { if ("succeed".equals(message)) { //success } else { //failed } } }; RobotApi.getInstance().goForward(reqId, speed, motionListener); RobotApi.getInstance().goForward(reqId, speed, distance, motionListener); RobotApi.getInstance().goForward(reqId, speed, distance, avoid, motionListener); RobotApi.getInstance().goBackward(reqId, speed, motionListener); RobotApi.getInstance().goBackward(reqId, speed, distance, motionListener);
Parameter Description:
- speed: movement speed, unit m/s, range is 0 ~ 1.0, speed greater than 1.0 will move at 1.0
- distance: Movement distance, in m, the value must be greater than 0.
- avoid: Whether to avoid stopping when walking, only moving forward can avoid stopping.
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Rotational movement
Method name: turnLeft / turnRight
Calling method:
CommandListener rotateListener = new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { if ("succeed".equals(message)) { //success } else { //failed } } }; RobotApi.getInstance().turnLeft(reqId, speed, rotateListener); RobotApi.getInstance().turnLeft(reqId, speed, angle, rotateListener); RobotApi.getInstance().turnRight(reqId, speed, rotateListener); RobotApi.getInstance().turnRight(reqId, speed, angle, rotateListener);
Parameter Description:
- speed : rotation speed, unit: degree/s, range is 0 ~ 50 degree/s
- angle : rotation angle, unit: degree, the value must be greater than 0
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Arc Motion
Method name: motionArcWithObstacles
Calling method:
RobotApi.getInstance().motionArcWithObstacles(reqID,0.5,0,new CommandListener(){ @Override public void onResult(int result, String message, String extraData) { } @Override public void onStatusUpdate(int status, String data, String extraData) { } });
- lineSpeed : line speed, range is -1.2 ~ 1.2
- angularSpeed : angular speed, range is -2 ~ 2
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Method name: stopMove
Calling method:
RobotApi.getInstance().stopMove(reqId, new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { if ("succeed".equals(message)) { //success } else { //failed } } });
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Note: This interface can only be used to stop forward, backward and rotation, and cannot be used to stop navigation and head movement
Head movement
Method name: moveHead
Calling method:
RobotApi.getInstance().moveHead(reqId, hMode, vMode, hAngle, vAngle, new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(message); String status = json.getString("status"); if (Definition.CMD_STATUS_OK.equals(status)) { //success } } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } });
Parameter Description:
- hMode : the mode of turning left and right, absolute movement: absolute, relative movement: relative
- vMode : the mode of up and down movement, absolute movement: absolute, relative movement: relative
- hAngle : left and right rotation angle, range: -120 ~ 120
- vAngle : the angle of up and down movement, range: 0 ~ 90
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Note: Please pay attention to the physical limitations of the machine type, the left and right rotation mode of the Mini model is invalid
Restore the initial angle of the gimbal
Method name: resetHead
Method of calling:
RobotApi.getInstance().resetHead(reqId, new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(message); String status = json.getString("status"); if (Definition.CMD_STATUS_OK.equals(status)) { //success } } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } });
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Switch camera
Method name: switchCamera
Calling method:
RobotApi.getInstance().switchCamera(reqId, camera, new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(message); if (Definition.RESPONSE_OK.equals(json.getString("status"))) { //success } } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } });
Parameter Description:
- camera : camera, String type Definition.JSON_HEAD_FORWARD front camera Definition.JSON_HEAD_BACKWARD rear camera
Applicable Platform:
GreetBot | Mini | Lucki | DeliverBot | BigScreenBot |
Yes | No | No | No | No |
Note: Please check if the Robot you are using has a rear camera