System Functions
Set lighting effect
Method name: setLight
Calling method:
JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); try { params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_TYPE, type); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_TARGET, 0); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_RGB_START, startColor); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_RGB_END, endColor); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_START_TIME, startTime); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_END_TIME, endTime); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_REPEAT, loopTime); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_ON_TIME, duration); params.put(Definition.JSON_LAMB_RGB_FREEZE, finalColor); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } RobotApi.getInstance().setLight(0, params.toString(), null);
Parameter Description:
- reqId: int type command id
- params: String type, can contain the following parameters: type-Lighting effect type start-Start color end-End color startTime-Start time endTime-End time repeat-Loop times onTime-Duration freese-end lighting color
- type: Is 0
- startColor: Starting color value of lighting effect
- endColor: End color value of lighting effect
- startTime: The color stays at the beginning of the gradient
- endTime: The time that the color stays at the end of the gradient
- loopTime: Light effect gradual repetition times
- duration: Time spent in the gradual change process
- finalColor: Gradient transition color
- listener: ActionListener type message callback
- Color value: 16-bit string in RGB arrangement, such as “F3F3F3” or “00FF00”.
Return Value:
int result 0 command executed / -1 not executed
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Setting up the lighting effect code demo can be found here (the code is suitable for Greetbot, please replace the robot jar package for other robots):Download
Control lucki robot lights
Method name: playMultipleColor
Only can work with lucki
Calling method:
public class LightMultipleColor extends LedLightBean { //[0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] public LightMultipleColor(int[] rgbSet) { this.rgbSet = rgbSet; this.type = 6; = Definition.LAMP_TARGET_FOOT; } } public void playMultipleColor(LightMultipleColor color) { Log.d("123", "playMultipleColor color: " + color); if (color == null) { return; } color.setTarget(Definition.LAMP_TARGET_FOOT); color.setType(6); RobotApi.getInstance().setLedLight(reqID, color); }
Parameter Description:
: control 15 lights in the lucki robot.
Return Value:
int result 1 command executed / -1 not executed
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
No | No | Yes | No | No |
Get local SN
Method name: getRobotSn
Calling method:
boolean status = RobotApi.getInstance().getRobotSn( new CommandListener() { @Override public void onResult(int result, String message) { if (Definition.RESULT_OK == result) { String serialNum = message; } else { } } });
Parameter Description:
message callback{"code":0, "message":"err msg"}
Return Value:
int result 1 command executed / -1 not executed
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Get the system version
Method name: getVersion
Calling method:
String version = RobotApi.getInstance().getVersion();
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Prohibit system functions
The system no longer takes over the emergency stop event, there is no emergency stop screen, but the robot cannot use the motion function, other abilities can be used
Method name: disableEmergency
Calling method:
API for obtaining emergency status, or rigister listener:
RobotApi.getInstance().getRobotStatus(Definition.STATUS_EMERGENCY,new StatusListener(){ @Override public void onStatusUpdate(String type, String data) throws RemoteException { Log.d("onStatusUpdate","Status:"+data); } }); RobotApi.getInstance().registerStatusListener(Definition.STATUS_EMERGENCY,new StatusListener(){ @Override public void onStatusUpdate(String type, String data) throws RemoteException { Log.d("onStatusUpdate","status:"+type+";value:"+data); } });
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Disable the current battery interface, you can use any ability of the client app except the chassis when charging
Method name: disableBattery
Calling method:
API for obtaining battery status:
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Disable function keys, the button behind the head of Lucky Leopard, used to terminate the current task
Method name: disableFunctionKey
Calling method:
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
No | No | Yes | No | No |
Scene introduction:
Hibernation is a mode that allows the robot to keep running at low power consumption when there is no task or when the battery is low. To use this function , you need to add this to your project. <uses-permission android:name="com.ainirobot.coreservice.robotSettingProvider" />
Applicable Platform:
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
No | No | Yes | No | No |
Method name: robotStandby
Calling method:
RobotApi.getInstance().robotStandby(0, new CommandListener() { @Override public void onStatusUpdate(int status, String data, String extraData) { super.onStatusUpdate(status, data, extraData); } });
Stop hibernation
Method name: robotStandbyEnd
Calling method:
BigScreenBot Development
BigScreenBot is a large-screen version of GreetBot, which supports large-screen display content.
1. Permission issues
BigScreenBot display content must apply for the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission of the global pop-up dialog box.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
2. The picture is not full screen problem
<ImageView android:id="@+id/bs_image" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_weight="1" android:scaleType="fitXY"/>
Multi Robots Info
Get multi robots info
If the robot have ESP32 multi-robot hardware, use this code get receive multi-robot info.
JRobotApi.getInstance().registerStatusListener(Definition.STATUS_MULTIPLE_ROBOT_WORKING, mStatusListener); private StatusListener mStatusListener = new StatusListener() { @Override public void onStatusUpdate(String type, String data) { try { Type dataType = new TypeToken<List<MultiRobotStatus>>(){}.getType(); List<MultiRobotStatus> curRobotStatus = mGson.fromJson(data, dataType); }catch(Exception ex){ } } }
If the robot does not have ESP32 multi-robot hardware, this will not work. And about the structure of MultiRobotStatus, just like this:
public class MultiRobotStatus { private BasePoseBean pose; private BasePoseBean goal; private int id; private int priority; private boolean mapMatch; private long time; private int status; private boolean curRobot = false; private int errorStatus = 0; }
Greetbot | Mini | Lucki | Baoxiaodi MAX | Baodaping |
No | No | Yes | No | No |